I am a software engineer at Stream Computing @ ByteDance, aiming to make Apache Flink more efficient and more user-friendly.

Before that, I got my master’s degree from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) and bachelor’s degree from New York University Shanghai (NYUSH), both in Computer Science.

I was born and raised in Suzhou, and am currently living in Hangzhou. As the old saying goes: “Up above there is heaven; down below there are Suzhou and Hangzhou”. I also had the luck to live and study in two amazing cityies: Shanghai and New York, and a peaceful academic town: Champaign.

I’m blessed with a lovely wife who is always enthusiastic in exploring the beauty of the world and creating wonderful graphical designs, check out more here.


Our paper StreamOps: Cloud-Native Runtime Management for Streaming Services in ByteDance appeared on VLDB 2023.

Welcome to our wedding ceremony in Hangzhou.

Welcome to our wedding ceremony in Suzhou.

I’m married with Susan Xu.

I joined Stream Computing @ ByteDance (Hangzhou, China).
